Author page: Jeff Lugerner

Author page: Jeff Lugerner

How to Help Your Employees Stay Positive Through Layoffs and Downsizing

How to Help Your Employees Stay Positive Through Layoffs and Downsizing

You never want to see someone lose their job, and as an executive, it is challenging to see beloved employees go through the process. However, layoffs and downsizing are often necessary in today's business climate, so it's best to prepare for this scenario. One issue you'll encounter during a period of layoffs is declining employee morale. After all, your workers are friends with the people being laid off and don't want to see them go. They might also believe they could be next, making it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand. Providing executive coaching for your managerial staff to develop the necessary skills to deal with employee layoffs and their aftermath is vital if you want your company to survive. Here are some tips for motivating employees and improving morale as your company downsizes. 1) Interact With Everyone Your employees are looking for a bit of security during a period of layoffs, so interacting and speaking with them as much as possible is vital. If you aren't around to interact with them, they may feel like they're the next to go and could struggle to stay motivated. Executives and managers must be visible during this period to put employee concerns to rest and get everyone back on the same page. You'll also want to ensure you treat everyone equally because employees worried about job security could be extra sensitive and quick to pick up on any signs of favoritism. 2) Listen to Employee Concerns As you interact with…

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How to Stay Resilient When Working for a Start-Up

How to Stay Resilient When Working for a Start-Up

For many, working at a start-up is a dream come true because they have the chance to help build a company from the ground up while being part of something special. Many start-ups also offer a relaxed workplace and flexible hours, which employees see as positives. The Bay Area where Leadership Development Institute is located and Silicon Valley are some of the most popular areas for high tech startups. At the same time, start-ups come with a lot of uncertainty and increased workloads, which can bring about stress. Whether you’re an employee or a manager at a start-up, you’ll want to explore the following ways to stay resilient during the organization’s first few years. What to Expect While Working for a Start-up There are positives to working for a newer company, but there are also some drawbacks of which you’ll have to be aware. For starters, you can expect to have a heavier workload than usual because there is so much work to get done. In addition, since the company won’t have a bunch of managers overseeing your every move, you’ll be on your own for a lot of it. That type of work environment is a perk for many, but it also means that you’ll have to keep yourself motivated, often while working long hours. Another thing to keep in mind is the lack of job security. About 90% of start-ups fail within their first three years. Therefore, the numbers aren’t on your side and you could find yourself without a job sooner,…

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Team Building with Accelerated Velocity

Team Building with Accelerated Velocity

Building a Team That Executes and Makes Decisions with Accelerated Velocity The business world is incredibly competitive, and leaders are always making decisions that could make or break a company. When you find yourself up against a deadline or dealing with a decision that could define your year, it’s crucial that you get it right. But, you’ll also want to make a quick decision so that you don’t miss out on an opportunity. So, how do you implement a team that will help you with this essential job? The truth is that it’s multi-faceted, as you not only need to have the right people in the right roles, but you also have to know how to manage them to get the most out of their skills. In your role, you’ll not only have to build a team to help you make decisions but also pull the right strings to get them to succeed. It all starts with you, so here are some steps that you can take to ensure that decisions are made accurately and with accelerated velocity within your organization. Assign Clear Roles and Responsibilities Perhaps the most critical aspect of team building involves assigning clear roles and responsibilities to each member. You could have the most skilled group of employees on earth, but if none of them know their roles or what they should be doing with their time, your chances of success are slim. In terms of making decisions, the final choice will come down to one individual, which could be you, but…

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The Business Benefits Of Leadership Development

The Business Benefits Of Leadership Development

In today’s business world of ever increasing change, it is always easier to justify focusing on the immediate needs of the bottom line or latest crisis; and pay less attention to the underlying issues that ultimately drive long-term success.   One of top underlying issues for most organizations is leadership development.   Companies that develop effective and adaptable leaders are those that stay ahead of the change curve, learn to adapt and consequently grow and prosper. Are today’s employers confident that they are producing managers and leaders they need for the future? According to a Harvard Business Publishing Survey of Global Executives in September, 2013: “leaders lack the skills to achieve strategic goals, and the need to develop stronger leadership capability extends to middle managers, who are being asked to do more than ever before.”  Only 32% of the 800+ respondents believe that their organizations have the right leadership talent and skills to achieve their organizations’ strategic goals, according to the survey results There is little doubt that today’s management believe in principal that there is a clear connection between the quality of an organization’s leadership practices, and subsequent intentions by employees to stay with an organization, perform at a high level, and apply discretionary effort.  Let’s take a look at what Leadership Skills and Development Practices are needed in today’s business environment. Leadership Skills to Have and to Develop: Commitment, Resolve and Perseverance – driving every aspect of the organization towards a singular unified purpose. Risk Taking – breaking conventions and…

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Be a Better Meeting Facilitator

Be a Better Meeting Facilitator

We all spend more time in meetings than we would prefer to and for most of us they are energy depleting and at best moderately productive. Here are 3 simple suggestions that might improve the quality of the meetings you facilitate. 1. Give Each Agenda Item an Objective Essentially what are we trying to accomplish with each agenda item? The objective for each agenda item can be provided by the meeting owner or the person who asked to have a particular item on the agenda. To get a bit granular for the moment we would even propose that the Objective for each agenda item be printed right next to it. This gives people a visual reminder of what they need to focus on and what they're here to get done. There are generally 4-5 Objectives for typical agenda items in a business meeting: Make decisions Share information Advance the thinking on a specific issue Create buy-in Obtain input When meeting facilitators have implemented this technique we have observed a much more focused discussion with a clearer sense of purpose. 2. Bypass the Two-Person Meeting The most prominent thing we see in meetings today is two people going one on one with each other while others sit outside of this process and observe. Sometimes it is a healthy discussion, in most cases it a debate driven by a healthy dose of egos. More often than not it includes the meeting facilitator and someone else. Getting drawn into this kind of…

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A More Effective Way to Look at Succession Planning

A More Effective Way to Look at Succession Planning

Time marches on, and with it go corporate leaders. Everybody retires at one time or another, and to maintain solvency in the leadership ranks, companies must know in advance how they’re going to deal with these departures. The traditional way of addressing this is with succession planning. It’s important to have a plan in place to make the changing of the guard for executive management positions smooth and uncontroversial. The plan itself, however, is not as important as what the plan mandates: development of personnel who are ready, willing and able to assume top spots such as chief executive, chief of operations, chief financial officer, chief technology officer and others. Succession planning – or succession development? A lot of companies are big on planning but not so great on development. Where succession planning is concerned, this is often simply a problem with how the process is viewed. Planning is a system with so many aspects, it can seem to go on forever and grow to the point where nobody really understands the plan anymore. Development is quite different. If you think “succession development,” then you’ll be starting out on the track that will lead you to the results you want. Common sense tells you that in leadership succession, the goal is to prepare future leaders, not to plan. You already know what’s going to happen – new leaders will replace retiring leaders or those who leave for other reasons. The key is to make the “plan” simple and concise while focusing the majority…

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New Website Launch

New Website Launch

Today is the official launch of our new website and we are excited to share it with all of you. We are also beginning our 15th year of business here in the Bay Area. Our passion and vitality for our work seem stronger than ever. Much of this has to do with our continuous learning during the last 18 months. First we engaged with Phil Sandahl and his staff at Team Coaching International (TCI), where we went through their unique team coaching certification. TCI's team assessments are the best in the business and gives us and the teams we work with an immediate and incisive look at how teams see themselves and how their stakeholders see them as well. This output has translated to us helping teams get immediate traction and acceleration in moving toward their goals. Please check out these tools on our Team Assessments page. Next we got involved with Bob Kaplan and Rob Kaiser authors of The Versatile Leader and the accompanying 360 survey called the Leadership Versatility Index (LVI). In all the years that we've been doing leadership and executive coaching nothing has impacted our thinking and approach to coaching more than this concept of leadership versatility. No longer do we think in terms of deficits or focusing only on strengths, but rather building versatility into a leader's repertoire of leadership behaviors. If you're interested in reading more about this concept please go to our Coaching Philosophy page on the website to download several articles. We then became certified in the Birkman…

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