Today is the official launch of our new website and we are excited to share it with all of you.

We are also beginning our 15th year of business here in the Bay Area.

Our passion and vitality for our work seem stronger than ever. Much of this has to do with our continuous learning during the last 18 months.

First we engaged with Phil Sandahl and his staff at Team Coaching International (TCI), where we went through their unique team coaching certification. TCI’s team assessments are the best in the business and gives us and the teams we work with an immediate and incisive look at how teams see themselves and how their stakeholders see them as well. This output has translated to us helping teams get immediate traction and acceleration in moving toward their goals. Please check out these tools on our Team Assessments page.

Next we got involved with Bob Kaplan and Rob Kaiser authors of The Versatile Leader and the accompanying 360 survey called the Leadership Versatility Index (LVI). In all the years that we’ve been doing leadership and executive coaching nothing has impacted our thinking and approach to coaching more than this concept of leadership versatility. No longer do we think in terms of deficits or focusing only on strengths, but rather building versatility into a leader’s repertoire of leadership behaviors. If you’re interested in reading more about this concept please go to our Coaching Philosophy page on the website to download several articles.

We then became certified in the Birkman Method a personality assessment that is steeped in 60 years of research. The Birkman essentially tells us how we are going to show up at work. What we prefer to do, what we have little or no interest in doing, with whom we will have challenging relationships and what we will need to do to make it work. There are many applications in utilizing the Birkman and we are already leveraging it with some of you.

Last but not least we went through a certification process with the Denison Consulting Group, the premier firm in leading culture change. Their model and research (bench marked against 1076 companies) shows the impact company culture has on revenue and profitability. To get a glimpse of the Denison Model please click on the Leading Culture Change page on our site.

Thanks for catching up with us through our new blog.

We promise that future posts will be shorter!

Our best,
Jeff and Karen