Leadership Skills Training

Leadership Skills Training

Training for Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills Training and Teamwork BuildingWe conduct leadership skills training classes in Silicon Valley and the greater San Francisco Bay Area. All of our leadership training includes real-time coaching on leadership skill sets that have been taught in the class.

Our leadership training classes include:

Creating Followership

Why should anyone be led by you? We’ll challenge you with this question and provide you with the key components leaders need to create followers. Through interactive processes, breakout groups and lecture, we’ll help you generate the “buzz” that creates followers.

Sample training agenda
Defining followership
  • The three components that make up followership
  • Why should anyone be led by you?
  • Does your current leadership style create followers?
Leadership Skills that creates followers
  • Setting the tone that creates followers
  • Best practices for creating followership
  • Maintaining followership during tough times
More tools: From informative leader to inspirational leadership
  • Inspiring the uninspired
  • Messaging that motivates
  • The art of asking people to follow you
  • Communicating from a place of certainty about your vision

Enhancing Managerial Courage

We will equip you with the technical skills to address the tough leadership issues; holding people accountable for deliverables; managing performance; giving constructive feedback; and addressing attitude problems. We’ll leave you with the skills and the courage to be more timely and decisive.

Sample training agenda
Defining managerial courage
  • The short list of best practices
  • Assessing your current level of managerial courage
  • Identifying the courageous behaviors you need to amplify
Managerial courage: Building the skill of accountability
  • Developing an accountability mindset
  • Best practices
  • Having the tough conversations: Coaching/role plays
  • Creating mutual accountability throughout the organization
Giving constructive feedback that enhances performance
  • A model for managing performance through constructive feedback
  • Best practices: Enhancing the boss/direct report relationship
  • The tools – action learning coaching
More tools: From cowardly lion to courageous messenger!
  • Communicating with presence
  • The Art of “requiring” things from people
  • Setting direction and setting limits
  • Following up on Tough Conversations
  • Committing to managerial courage

Enhancing Your Managerial Effectiveness

Our training programs minimize the “talking about” leadership and emphasize the “doing” of leadership. Our facilitators employ a hands-on approach to action learning through demonstrations, simulations and live real-time coaching. This program is interactive, experiential and equips your employees with skill sets that will immediately make them more effective.

Sample training agenda
Segment #1
  • The vital components that companies now require from their managers
  • Leadership behaviors that create and compound problems
  • Managing employees you don’t like or respect
  • Having the tough conversations – coaching/role plays
Segment #2
  • How to give constructive feedback that enhances performance
  • Best practices – Enhancing the manager/subordinate relationship
  • Holding employees accountable without destroying their morale – coaching/role plays
  • Managing yourself under stress
Segment #3
  • Following up on tough conversations – coaching/role plays
  • What to do When all your best efforts haven’t affected a subordinate
  • Determining what kind of leader you want to be
  • Leading with a fair and firm hand

Building Your Leadership Brand

Companies create powerful brands… We can help you create one for yourself! In fact, you have a brand at your own company, like it or not. Through lecture and action learning exercises we’ll help you determine what your current brand is and help you shape it going forward.

Sample training agenda
Defining leadership brands
  • Product brands vs. leadership brands
  • How you created your existing brand
  • Moving from “employee” to “brand you”
  • Assessing your own brand
Enhancing your leadership brand
  • Getting feedback
  • Amplifying behaviors that enhance leadership brands
  • Discarding parts of your current brand that are not effective
  • Marketing your emerging brand
Best practices for maintaining a powerful brand
  • The one element every great brand has
  • The two behaviors that will destroy your brand in a heartbeat
  • How to create followership and create a powerful brand for your organization
  • Branding your team in the company