Coaching Offerings 2023

Coaching Offerings 2023

Since 1999, the team at Leadership Development Institute has coached leaders at more than 125 companies spanning 13 industries. LDI has worked with executive and senior leadership teams, cross-functional business partner initiatives and co-founders to help them accelerate their impact through one-to-one coaching, management team coaching, and state-of-the-art assessments that make all of our programs heavily data-driven. Our team of coaches come from diverse backgrounds and have years of coaching experience in Silicon Valley as well as globally.

360° Coaching Program

Target Audience: Intact Teams, Individuals, Senior Manager – Director A three to four-month process with an emphasis on providing the leader with a robust confidential feedback report and the expertise of a professional coach to interpret the results. Elements included: Two-hour debrief/interpretation of the Leadership Versatility Index 360. Four 90-minute coaching meetings. LDI Coach will facilitate an alignment meeting with the Sponsoring Manager and Coachee.
Elements Included:
  • Two hour debrief/interpretation of the feedback report.
  • Four 90 minute coaching meetings.
  • Alignment meeting with Sponsoring Manager and LDI coach.

Target Audience: All Levels

Senior Leader Coaching Program

A more in-depth six to a nine-month coaching program that begins with 360- degree feedback as well as goal setting with the Sponsoring Manager and LDI Coach.
Elements Included:
  • Twelve 90 minute coaching meetings.
  • Implementation of the Leadership Versatility Index 360 Survey.
  • Coach availability for consultation between scheduled coaching meetings.
  • LDI Coach will facilitate an alignment meeting with the Sponsoring Manager and Coachee.

Executive-Level Program

A comprehensive coaching program extending over a 6 – 9 month timeframe.
Elements Included:
  • Twelve coaching meetings at 90 minutes per meeting.
  • 360-degree feedback. Via survey and interviews.
  • Review of historical feedback and year end reviews.
  • Alignment with Sponsoring Manager around goals and objectives.
  • Direct observation of the Participant in action.
  • Frequently includes executive presence coaching with video feedback.
  • Coach availability for consultation between scheduled coaching meetings.

Executive Vice President – Officers

Transitional Leadership Coaching

Highly focused program on helping newly hired, acquired and reorganized leaders navigate the challenges of change and assimilation.
Elements Included:
  • A minimum of ten 90 minute coaching meetings.
  • Implementation of a 90 day plan.
  • Facilitation of 1-2 team integration meetings.
  • Alignment meeting with Sponsoring Manager and LDI Coach.
  • Conduct interviews with key Stakeholders to assess transition.

Individual Coaching and Small Group Meetings

Leadership Team Offsites

Highly strategic guidance to plan, facilitate and operationalize regular, optimal off-site executive team meetings
Elements Included:
  • Pre-work with organizational leaders to determine objectives, strategy, design, and format.
  • Customized elements can include assessments, interviews with participants, and consulting with leaders prior to the offsite.
  • Start-to-finish offsite facilitation in alignment with target goals and outcomes.
  • Offsites range anywhere from a one day – three days in length.
  • Post-mortem with organizational leaders.

Strategic Planning/Guidance

Intact Teams and Cross-Functional Business Partners

Strategy formation and/or implementation mentoring across key areas (OKR’s, initiative planning, etc.)
Elements Included:
  • Consultation with SVP to review applicable key challenges/opportunities and desired outcomes.
  • Collaboration with SVP and/or designee(s) to confirm a current state assessment to ensure optimal alignment and prioritization.
  • Facilitation with SVP and/or designee(s) to confirm and implement strategic initiative objectives, milestones, key actions, roles/responsibilities, timing, risks, and outcomes.
  • Quantification of post-mortem key takeaways and applicable next steps.